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Wednesday, January 19, 2011


OMG...after such a  long time I listened to one of my favourite Malay songs from my favourite Malay actor, singer, musician and director, the late Putih Ramlee, better known simply as P Ramlee. This is considered one of his best songs from his famous movie, Ibu Mertua Ku (My Mother-In-Law).

The storyline revolves around the tragic love affair between Kassim Selamat (P Ramlee), a poor musician, and Sabariah Mansur (Sarimah), an heiress of a wealthy woman. The movie is notable in that the opening act starts out as a light-hearted romantic comedy, but at the 30 minute mark turns into a dramatic tragedy. For the full story, go to WIKIPEDIA. This film is considered a Malaysian classic, and is remembered for the song "Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti" (Where Can I Find Another) and the famous eye-stabbing scene during the film's climax. Enjoy the video clip. Lyrics and translation provide below.


Hendak ku nangis
Tiada berair mata
Hendak ku senyum
Tiada siapa nak teman
Kalaulah nasib
Sudah tersurat
Begini hebat
Apa nak buat

Di mana kan ku cari ganti
Serupa denganmu
Tak sanggup ku berpisah
Dan berhati patah
Hidup gelisah

Alangkah pedih rasa hati
Selama kau pergi
Tinggalku sendirian
Tiada berteman
Dalam kesepian

Dunia terang menjadi gelita
Cahaya indah tiada berguna
Keluhan hatiku
Menambah derita
Namun kau jua
Tak kunjung jelma

Di mana kan ku cari ganti
Mungkinkah di syurga
Untuk kawan berduka
Menangis bersama

English Translation:

I want to cry
But I have no tears
I want to smile
But there is no one to accompany
If my fate
Has been determined
To be this bad
What can I do

Where can I find another
Like you
I can't bear this parting
And heartbreak
Living in agony

My heart aches so much
Since you've been gone
Leaving me all alone
With no one
In loneliness

The bright world becomes dark
Its beautiful lights become useless
The weeping of my heart
Adds to my sorrow
But you still
Never appear

Where can I find another
Perhaps in heaven
To grief with me
To cry with me
Forever and ever

Source: P. Ramlee's Songs and Lyrics


  1. What a lovely song - beautiful lyrics, of course, but also such lovely music. Thank you! I'll now be looking out for the film too (though I'd welcome recommendations, if any, for Malaysian films that are more light-hearted throughout...?)

  2. Yes, like the Hindi songs and movies of the 50's to the early 70's, even the golden age of Malay cinema was around the same period with P Ramlee being the equivalent of Rajesh Khanna and Kishore Kumar in terms of popularity in Mlaysia and Singapore. Not only a great actor and singer, he was a very accomplished composer and songwriter and played the sax just beautifully. I will have to find some clips where he actually plays the sax.

    To be honest, i have not seen any new movies recently except for "The Red Kebaya" and "Pisau Cukur", which was produced by my best friend in Uni, Lina Tan. Yes we did the same course and produced some documentaries during our uni days but she remained in the industry whilst I changed my profession completely and went in law and boring, I know!!! So, do try to find Pisau Cukur (The literal meaning of Pisau Cukur in Malay is razor blade, a metaphor of a woman who shaves a man off his money endlessly...therefore Gold Digger). Here's a link from wikipedia if you are interested (

    Any movie that list P Ramlee in it is worth watching in my opinion!

  3. Thank you for that recommendation! I'll look out for Pisau Cukur. I'd already had a look at P Ramlee's filmography after reading your post, but if you say he's worth watching in anything, then I'll go look even more closely! Thanks again. :-)

  4. I bought a bagful of P. Ramlee movies on VCD when I was in KL years ago; may even have watched a few. I should dig them out again.

  5. Hi PC, you should. "Anak ku Sazali" is another favourite and of course the "Bujang Lapuk" series are part of his attempt at comedy.


Thank you for your comments. I will respond to them shortly.
