My Blog Pages

Saturday, December 25, 2010


To all friends and followers of

“My Music Movies and Mutterings”

Wishing you a very Happy Christmas!


  1. Merry Christmas Veen, have a great one.......xx

  2. Veen, thank you and a very merry Christmas to you and yours. We have a beautiful cloudless blue sky so it's a good foundation for a nice day. Duck and chook and other things to make a dietitians nightmare. A day of endless excesses; the feelings of guilt will come tomorrow. Enjoy your day.

  3. Merry Christmas to you too Bosun. You have a good one my friend and I'll be in touch soon to start our co-posts.

    You are welcome Bob and thank you too....for your well wishes and patronage to my blog. It is beautiful here in the nation's capital as well. The webers and bbqs will be fired soon and copious amounts of wine and beer will be flowing. Eat, drink and be merry today my friend...and as you said, leave the guilt for another day. Well at least until after the new year!


Thank you for your comments. I will respond to them shortly.
