My Blog Pages

Sunday, December 5, 2010


By Veen
Panasonic Lumix DMC TZ11
Tis my faith that every flower....

Enjoys the air it breathes!

~ William Wordsworth, "Lines Written in Early Spring" 1798


  1. This is so pretty. I know there's nothing to stamp those flowers 'Aussie!', but just looking at them reminded me of my sole trip to Australia - almost 20 years back. I spent a little over a week in Melbourne, and LOVED it.

  2. Thank you Madhu....and I think a return visit to Australia is warranted in the very new future, don't you think so??? And you must let me know if you do, it would be great to make your acquaintance in person, truly.

  3. Bluebells. Brings back memories of English woodlands in the merry month of May and the joy of knowing summer is on it's way. Bluebell Polka, Bluebells of Scotland and the pub in the next village called 'The Bluebell'. Thanks for that memory jogging photo Veen.

  4. I would love to go back to Australia - and I would love to meet up with you, Veen! Someday... soon.

  5. You are welcome Bob. You sound so nostalgic...maybe a trip back home should be in the cards for the near future, eh?

  6. Madhu, that would be so AWESOME, truly. Just name the day sister....your host at your command!


Thank you for your comments. I will respond to them shortly.
