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Monday, October 18, 2010


Source: CV Library
A newly arrived immigrant walks into Woolies (Woolworths Supermarket). He finds cat food at special prices. He picks a dozen cans of cat food and goes to the check out.

Source: Virgin Media
 The Manager gets suspicious.

Source: Dangerous Intersection
He thinks that this guy might not have a cat and will probably eat the cat food himself. He shows the man cans of proper tuna, but the immigrant insists that the cat food would suffice. Still thinking that the man was going to eat the cat food, the Manager then asks the man to show him his cat before he could let him have cat food. The man goes home, returns with a cat and the manager allows him to buy the cat food.

Source: Love To Know
The next week, the immigrant sees in the junk mail, dog food at special prices. He goes back to Woolies, picks a dozen cans of dog food and goes to the check out. The Manager sees him and again gets suspicious. He thinks that this guy may have a cat but he could not possibly have a dog too and thinks that he will probably eat the dog food. Again, the do-gooder manager shows the immigrant cans of beef stew and fresh mince but the immigrant insists that the cans of dog food would suffice. The Manager once again asks the man to show him the dog before he can let him have dog food. The man goes home and returns with a dog. He gets to buy the dog food.

The following week the man comes to Woolworth's with a bag. He asks the manager to put his hand in the bag. The Manager puts his hand in the bag, feels something slimy and immediately pulls it out. He shouts at the man, "What the hell! This is shit, you Idiot!

Source: The Expired Meter

The man calmly replies, "Yes, now may I please buy some toilet paper?"


Moral of the story: There's help and then there's HELP. Don't stereotype people!

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